
DJ Andy is Resident a DJ the shooting man of the Ballenario6 Companies Ltd Dusseldorf in the heart of the longest bar of the world!

As Majorca Andy I do in the event, party - Scene my dreadful state of affairs and am always glad when I can inspire many people with my show. I would be glad if you signed up in my visitors' book, or in the great link Lists there is on this side. Greeting to all party noses of Majorca Andy.

Since 2007 is DJ Andy Chef of the German Dj of federation, and is for many years an ambassador the German DJ the message which intervenes with foreign country to applications of Dj's. On following seiten you find some information.

Majorca, the holiday destination in the Mediterranean Sea: Year after year 8 million vacationers land on the airport of the solar island. Some search rest and nice nature, others just want to rest. All that interests most vacationers in the Playa de Palma a little. They want summer, the sun, fun - and, above all, party!

Although the Balenarios are actually identical, there is only one with absolute party - guarantee. The "Sechser" also carries as only quite officially his nickname. This absolutely appropriate name originated from it because German party friends after several beer and many litres of sangria problems had to pronounce the word "Balenario". The word Ballermann comes with some thousandth in the blood easier and lighter over the lips and tongue. Why just the shooting man got 6 cult status, today nobody knows this. It also interests nobody. Everything is important what: There the post goes off! In a vicinity of hundred metres the vacationer is moved into another world, the party goes off.

In the Ballermann6 there is no Dj, the music is inserted according to desire and mood by the staff. But, nevertheless, somebody must provide for the music, you will ask yourselves. Yes there is Disc-Jockeys which do the most mad music titles party hits.

DJ Andy is the most mad and worst party DJ of Germany and belongs to the best party Jocks in Europe. In a hockey costume he sings and presents charmingly and happily by the worst party night in which you have one day taken part. He is of the party a king of the longest bar of the world. During the fairs in Dusseldorf he greets people from the whole world! Andy is known from the TV 100 results THE CASTING AGENCY of the transmitter of Pro7, from the Olliver Geien show, from the broadcasting Ströhleins experts, or from the youth adviser, and from the SAT 1 flash report on a discjockey and Majorca parties in Germany.

If Oldies and new love rustle by the arrangement if the right rhythm moves the guests to the celebration, the waiter the sweat pearls in the glass collects, then it goes by the sloping party night.

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